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30 Day Build Your Work Life Balance Challenge
Introduction & Expectations
Course Objectives & The Why...
Build Life Balance Self-Assessment Pre- 30 Day Challenge
Private Support Group
30 Day Challenge Reference Sheet
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30 Day Build Your Balance Collective
How To Get The Most Out Of This Course
Disclosure & Disclaimer
Stage 1: Get Started...this is your chance to build balance
Day 1: [Career] Give Your Best Interview
Day 2: [Family] Make Meals Easier
Day 3: [Relationships] Habits For Your Marriage
Day 4: [Career] Never Say This In An Interview
Day 5: [Family] Try Saving Money Today
Day 6: [Relationships] Be A Better Friend
Day 7: [Career] Write An Email For Your Resume
Day 8: [Family] Learn How To List
Reflect on Your Progress- Complete Reflection #1
Stage 2: Get into a should feel the change
Day 9: [Relationships] Why you should date your Husband
Day 10: [Career] Refine Your Resume
Day 11: [Family] Make Extra Money Online Shopping
Day 12: [Relationships] Learn How to QUIT Complaining
Day 13: [Career] Set Goals You Can Actually Achieve
Day 14: [Family] Bad Habits That Are Making Your Family Broke
Day 15: [Relationships] Perfectionism and Your Relationships
Day 16: [Career] What Obstacles That Are Holding You Back
Reflect On Your Progress- Complete Reflection 2
Stage 3: Keep going...I believe in you
Day 17: [Family] Stay Present In A Busy World
Day 18: [Relationships] The Power of a Text Message
Day 19: [Career] Use The Best APPS for Productivity
Day 20: [Family] Learn How To Family Meal Plan
Day 21: [Relationships] Learn the Benefits of Gratitude
Day 22: [Career] 9 Career Lessons from #Girlbosses
Day 23: [Family] Stay Sane As A Working Mom
Day 24: [Relationships] The BEST Books For Being A Better YOU
Reflect On Your Progress- Complete Reflection 3
Stage 4: Change is happening...can you feel it?
Day 25: [Career] Ways To De-stress When You Can't Leave Your Desk
Day 26: [Family] Learn How To Wake Up Early
Day 27: [Relationships] Take Time and Handwrite a Note
Day 28: [Career] Be a Better Coworker This Week
Day 29: [Family] Balance Work & Family
Day 30: [Relationships] Focus on YOU
Reflect on Your Progress- Complete Reflection 4
Congratulations! You Completed the 30 Day Build Life Balance Challenge!
Wrap Up & Next Steps...
Life Balance Self-Assessment Post 30 Day Challenge
Day 17: [Family] Stay Present In A Busy World
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